Giving is the natural response of joy we have when we encounter the generous God of love we see in Jesus. It’s through the incredible generosity of so many that Redland is able to do all it does as a Church. Giving is another way we play our part in what Jesus is up to in his Church here.


Our Hope gift day launches this Sunday the 16th June. If you’re not aware this is a gift day we hold to raise money for causes, often beyond Redland, where our giving can make a real difference and brings hope. This year we are giving to two causes:

Encounter Christianity (EC): EC is an incredible charity that deliver high quality christian RE in schools all around Bristol and beyond. RE has recently been reviewed nationally as inadequate. One thing that EC are uniquely positioned to do is to share Christianity from the inside view of those who have faith. They are one of our partners indeed,  EC was set up by Redland and went independent from us as a separate charity in 2021. As a small charity funding is a challenge and we want to give an extra gift to support their work which sees the way of Jesus shared with under 18s across the city. 

Bristol Churches Shelter (BCS):  BCS is a project run by InHope to minister to those who are homeless in Bristol. Each year they block book a centrally located guest host over the winter months. Last year this enabled 26 guests to come through its doors over the winter. The guesthouse offered a safe place to stay for homeless people with low support needs. Over 100 volunteers from more than 20 churches including Redland were involved in serving at the guesthouse, praying, cooking hot meals, baking cakes and much more. BCS has been running for 8 years and is recognised by Bristol City Council for its integral and effective part to play in reducing rough sleeping in the city. It receives part of its funding from the council but the rest is raised by other means. This year they are facing a significant shortfall which threatens the future of the project. We would love to be able to make a significant contribution to see this ministry continue going forward.

We use the parish giving scheme to enable giving. This is a national church organisation that claims the gift aid on our behalf without taking commission. If you already give in this way you can also set up an account to change your giving online. Just click the link below.


You can also give direct via bank transfer, standing order or cheque. Contact us for more information.

Redland Parish Church is a registered charity no. 1131061.